Stunt scooter choosing guide

Stunt scooter choosing guide

Stunt scooters are models with a reinforced frame and no folding mechanisms, designed specifically for complex jumps and tricks. There are quite a few structural differences between modern stunt scooter models. How not to get confused? We will tell you in this overview!

What to look for when choosing a stunt scooter model:

Compression system:

This mechanism, which connects the deck, fork, and handlebar into one unit, directly affects the reliability, durability, and weight of the scooter. Compression systems SCS, HIC, and IHC are most commonly used in stunt scooters. The operating principle of the HIC compression system is as follows: a bearing is put on the fork, inserted into the headtube (tube part of the deck neck), a second bearing is inserted on top of the headtube, and a compression shim with bolt is placed on top. The principle of operation of IHC is similar - the difference between them is only in diameter. A handlebar with a slit is required for HIC and IHC compression. The SCS compression system is similar to the previous type, but a clamp is used instead of a cup. A slit in the handlebar is not required for this system, making the scooter construction stronger, although slightly heavier. There are also ICS and threaded compression types, but they are rarely used in modern stunt scooters due to their inconvenience in maintenance (ICS) and fragility (threaded).


A steel fork is the most impractical: it is heavy and less durable than the others. Aluminum forks are the most popular in modern stunt scooters, as they have the lowest weight and are also durable. Aluminum forks also differ from each other in the type of alloy. Series 7000 aluminum is the lightest and strongest.


 There are steel, aluminum, chrome molybdenum and titanium handlebars. The material directly affects the weight and cost of the scooter. Aluminum and titanium handlebars are optimal for stunt models.


As a rule, the material for the deck is aluminum of various types of alloys (rarely carbon). Pay attention to the presence of an integrated headset - in this case, bearings are inserted directly into the deck. The advantages of this design are the lower weight, overall strength of the structure, and the ability to easily find a replacement if the bearings break. Also, pay attention to the size of the deck: both rider's feet should fit on it.


It is not recommended to buy a stunt scooter with a plastic core wheels - this material is fragile and cannot withstand aggressive riding. The optimal material is aluminum. There are wheels with radial disks and "Hollow core" wheels (which describes the construction of wheels that have a void inside). In terms of disk strength, the characteristics of the two types of wheels are approximately equal - choose the ones whose design you like more. The diameter of wheels for stunt scooters varies from 100 to 125 mm. 110 mm is the most popular and versatile size. The larger the wheel diameter, the better the scooter rolls, but the ride gets harder.  Wheels can also differ in width (24-30 mm). The narrower the width, the less stability, but the better the roll. The material of the outer part of the wheel is polyurethane (PU). The stiffness of stunt scooter wheels should be 84A or higher. The optimal stiffness is 88A.


According to reviews for stunt scooters, the most reliable are bearings of ABEC 7 and ABEC 9 class. ABEC9 faster but slightly more fragile.


Handlebar height and width choice depends on the rider's height and riding style. The standard handlebar height is around the waist or slightly below, and the handlebar width should be proportional to the rider's shoulder width.


 Most stunt scooter models weigh 3.2-4 kilograms. It is easier to learn tricks on lighter models.


 For a beginner who is just starting to learn tricks and has not yet determined their riding style, an inexpensive model can be chosen. But it is not recommended to buy a scooter that is too cheap, as it will quickly break down or many parts will need to be replaced.


Please take a look at our large selection of budget-friendly, yet quality scooters for beginners.

For an experienced rider, a more professional and expensive model is required as it is better suited for performing complex tricks. Find a scooter for advanced and professional riders here.


Riding style: Park or Street?

Some parameters for choosing a scooter depend on the riding style - whether the rider prefers to ride in an urban environment or in a specially equipped park.

• Park scooters have a shorter and narrower deck - it is easier to perform various rotations on them. Park models are lighter in weight, with a slightly lower and narrower handlebar, and they are generally more compact.

• Street scooters have a higher and wider handlebar compared to park models, as well as a wide deck with a flat bottom, suitable for sliding. Street enthusiasts often choose a larger wheel diameter (110-125 mm), which allows better riding on uneven surfaces. Such models are more heavy-duty and durable, as reliability is particularly important in street conditions.

If you are not sure about your riding style, you can choose a universal model with a medium deck width (approximately 120 mm) and 110 mm wheels. Such scooters allow you to ride successfully both in the park and in urban environment.

Best Trick Scooter Manufacturers in 2023

For our online store, we have chosen reliable and stylish trick scooters from proven manufacturers.

Raven. The company specializes in the production of a variety of sports equipment at affordable prices. One of the most popular models of this brand is the Raven Evolution Slick Series. The big plus of this scooter is its exceptional durability with a low weight of the structure thanks to unique aluminum and steel alloys.

Blunt (Envy). An Australian company that is one of the world leaders in the scooter market, producing both street and park professional models.

Ethic. While professional models of this company are strong and reliable, they are also lightweight. For example, the Ethic Erawan Complete is one of the lightest trick scooters on the market, weighing only 2.9 kg.

Other popular trick scooter brands include Core, Lucky, District, TechTeam, Xaos, Ateox, Razor, FoxPro, and JDBug.

Check out our wide selection of stunt scooters HERE. We can always offer something at great prices!

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